Directed by Jonathan Yi and Sam Goetz.
Cast: Chris Cipriano, Jeff Williams, Kevin Steinhauser, Justine Mainville, Joe Gannon,
James Gannon, Mary Perrino, Peter Brown
Production Company: Decoupage Productions
Producers: Tara Power and Joselyn Allen
Assistant Director: Michael Haertlein
Production Assistants: Mike Goetz and Kengo Hioki
Director of Photography: Jonathan Yi
Assistant Camera (Canon C300): Mary Perrino
Red Epic Operator: Seth Hagenstein
Editor: Sam Goetz
Colorist: Colin Travers
Production Designer: James Gannon
Special FX: Joanna Tillman
Pyrotechnic: Jeff Moratti
Visual Art and Projection: Don Miller
Production Sound: Matt Bryant
Post Sound Design and Mix: Dan Dzula
Shot on a prototype Canon Cinema EOS C300
Additional explosion coverage angles shot with Red Epic and Canon XF305